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Editörlüğünü Yaptığı Kitaplar

Asım Orhan Barut'un editörlüğünü yaptığı kitaplar

  1. Lectures in Theoretical Physics, Vol VII A, University of Colorado Press (1964)
  2. Lectures in Theoretical Physics, Vol VIII B, University of Colorado Press (1965 and 1966).
  3. Lectures in Theoretical Physics, Vols IX A, IX B, and IX C, Gordon & Breach.
  4. Lectures in Theoretical Physics, Vols X A,IX B, Gordon & Breach.
  5. Lectures in Theoretical Physics, Vol. XI A, Gordon & Breach.
  6. Lectures in Theoretical Physics, Vol. XIII, University of Colorado Press.
  7. Lectures in Theoretical Physics, Vols XIV A and XIV B University of Colorado Press.
  8. Scattering Theory, Gordon & Breach.(1967)
  9. Editor of the Series: Monographs in Theoretical Physics. M. Dekker Company.
  10. Studies in Mathematical Physics. D. Reidel Publishing Company (1973).
  11. Group Theory in Nonlinear Problems. D. Reidel Publishing Company (1974).
  12. Nonlinear Equations in Physics and Mathematics. D. Reidel Publishing Company (1978).
  13. Foundations of Radiation Theory and Quantum Electrodynamics, Plenum Publishing Co., N. Y. (1980).
  14. Quantum Theory, Groups, Fields and Particles, D. Reidel (1983).
  15. Quantum, Space and Time - The Quest Continues. Univ. of Cambridge Press (1984).
  16. Quantumelectrodynamics and Quantumoptics, Plenum Press, 1984.
  17. Conformal Group and Relativistic Symmetries(with H. D. Doebner), Springer, Lecture notes in Physics, Vol. 261 (1986).
  18. Dynamical Groups and Spectrum Generating Algebras, Vol. I (with A. Bohm and Y. Ne'eman), World Scientific (1988).
  19. Dynamical Groups, Vol. II, (with A. Bohm and Y. Ne'eman), World Scientific (1988).
  20. Selected Scientific Papers of Alfred Landé, (with A. van der Merwe), Reidel (1988).
  21. Spin and Polarization Dynamics in Nuclear and Particle Physics, (with Y. Onel and A. Penzo), World Scientific, (1990)
  22. Selected Scientific Papers of Edward Condon, Springer Verlag, (1991).
  23. Popular Writings of Edward Condon, Springer Verlag, (1991).
  24. New Frontiers of Quantumelectrodynamic and Quantumoptics, Plenum Press, (1991).
  25. Spin and Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear and Paticle Physics, (with A. Penzo, R. Raczka and N. Paver), World Scientific (1993).
  26. Quantum Systems, New Trends and Methods. (with I.D. Feranchuk, Ya. M. Shnir and L.M. Tomil’chik) Proceedings on Int. Workshop Minsk, Belarus May 1994, Published by World Scientific 1995.